[Ubuntu-be] Fwd: [Events organisation] CD pour événement

Pierre Vorhagen pvr at kthx.be
Thu Jun 2 08:24:38 UTC 2011

On 01/06/11 21:58, Pierre Buyle wrote:
> Hi all,
> Here is a message we received through the contact form on the
> Ubuntu-be. This person is asking for CDs to distribute at a school
> "computer fair" in October (long time) in Seraing. We are also invited
> to participate to the event, I guess it would be free for us to have a
> booth there.
> Could someone from the event team reply ?
> Regards,
> PS: I removed Dethier Andy from the forwarded mail, you can contact me
> or if you need it.


Although not from the event team, I'll be in on this.
I study Computing & Systems in Seraing (INPRES), so I'm in the area, I 
can hold a booth there, talk to people, etc...


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