[Ubuntu-be] ubuntu-be Digest, Vol 65, Issue 15

Mazzola Gino mazzola.gino at gmail.com
Tue Jul 26 15:58:19 UTC 2011

Thank u very mush

Le 26 juil. 2011 14:01, <ubuntu-be-request at lists.ubuntu.com> a écrit :

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Today's Topics:

  1.  presentation gino mazzola (Mazzola Gino)
  2. Re:  presentation gino mazzola (wouter Vandenneucker)
  3.  Ubuntu in the newspaper (wouter Vandenneucker)
  4. Re:  Ubuntu in the newspaper (Steven Leeman)
  5. Re:  presentation gino mazzola (tom verlinden)


Message: 1
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2011 16:12:39 +0200
From: Mazzola Gino <mazzola.gino at gmail.com>
To: ubuntu-be at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: [Ubuntu-be] presentation gino mazzola
       <CAPyk4KqtK-Q8RUGaT20-Ujrth_61ZHzeGiOcxy8jwS1GewDizA at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Bonjour ? vous,

je m'appel Mazzola Gino, je suis un utilisateur du logiciel libre et un
d?veloppeur web.

j'ai d?cid? de faire la promotion du libre avec adrien et sylvain que vous

Cela fait 4 ans que j'utilise des logiciels libres, grace ? mes ?tudes mais
aussi depuis l'install party qu'Ubuntu-be
a organiser ? Eccaussines lors de ma premi?re ann?e d'?tude.

Je suis employ? dans une soci?t? qui utilise ubuntu server comme serveur

Je crois en la philosophie du libre, je vais travailler avec adrien et
sylvain pour promouvoir le logiciel libre en belgique.

A bient?t


Hi all,

I am Mazzola Gino and I am a free software user and a web developper.

I decide to promote free software with Adrien and Sylvain that you know.

I use free software since 4 years with my studies and since and Install
Party Ubuntu-be.

I am employee in a society who us ubuntu serveur as a web server.

I believe in the philosophy of free software, I will work with Adrien and
Sylvain to promote free software in Belgium.

See you soon
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Message: 2
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2011 16:29:10 +0200
From: wouter Vandenneucker <woutervddn at hotmail.com>
To: <ubuntu-be at lists.ubuntu.com>
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-be] presentation gino mazzola
Message-ID: <BAY157-w46E00DFCADB916EA0C9015D9330 at phx.gbl>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Hi Gino,
and welcome to Ubuntu-be :)Great to hear you like Free Software! Also, feel
 free to drop by on IRC during a meeting (usually thursday at 21h).


Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2011 16:12:39 +0200
From: mazzola.gino at gmail.com
To: ubuntu-be at lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: [Ubuntu-be] presentation gino mazzola

Bonjour ? vous,
je m'appel Mazzola Gino, je suis un utilisateur du logiciel libre et un
d?veloppeur web.
j'ai d?cid? de faire la promotion du libre avec adrien et sylvain que vous

Cela fait 4 ans que j'utilise des logiciels libres, grace ? mes ?tudes mais
aussi depuis l'install party qu'Ubuntu-bea organiser ? Eccaussines lors de
ma premi?re ann?e d'?tude.

Je suis employ? dans une soci?t? qui utilise ubuntu server comme serveur
Je crois en la philosophie du libre, je vais travailler avec adrien et
sylvain pour promouvoir le logiciel libre en belgique.

A bient?t

Hi all,

I am Mazzola Gino and I am a free software user and a web developper.
I decide to promote free software with Adrien and Sylvain that you know.
I use free software since 4 years with my studies and since and Install
Party Ubuntu-be.

I am employee in a society who us ubuntu serveur as a web server.
I believe in the philosophy of free software, I will work with Adrien and
Sylvain to promote free software in Belgium.

See you soon

ubuntu-be mailing list / mailto:ubuntu-be at lists.ubuntu.com

Modify settings or unsubscribe at:
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Message: 3
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2011 16:47:59 +0200
From: wouter Vandenneucker <woutervddn at hotmail.com>
To: <ubuntu-be at lists.ubuntu.com>
Subject: [Ubuntu-be] Ubuntu in the newspaper
Message-ID: <BAY157-w192EB89D936D2962A625F3D9330 at phx.gbl>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

hey guys,
I was reading true the newspaper yesterday, and stumbled up on this:
Makes me wonder about the future, why are 'we' getting used in embedded
devices while all Canonical does is focusing on real desktops/laptops? :p

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Message: 4
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2011 17:00:37 +0200
From: Steven Leeman <steven at leeman.be>
To: Ubuntu Belgium <ubuntu-be at lists.ubuntu.com>
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-be] Ubuntu in the newspaper
       <CANgvJWwh8aE64WCW1Lb=cr0FoRAAOWs8M51VCGu6C7e0Sg9cjQ at mail.gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

http://www.vic-ltd.com is the website of this manufacturer

2011/7/25 wouter Vandenneucker <woutervddn at hotmail.com>

>  hey guys,
> I was reading true the newspaper yesterday, and stumbled up on this:
> http://techprojectmasters.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/ubuntu.png
> Makes me wonder about the future, why are 'we' getting used in embedded
> devices while all Canonical does is focusing on real desktops/laptops? :p
> grts
> Wouter
> --
> ubuntu-be mailing list / mailto:ubuntu-be at lists.ubuntu.com
> Modify settings or unsubscribe at:
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-be
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Message: 5
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2011 18:23:32 +0200
From: tom verlinden <tom.verlinden at gmail.com>
To: Ubuntu Belgium <ubuntu-be at lists.ubuntu.com>
Subject: Re: [Ubuntu-be] presentation gino mazzola
Message-ID: <4E2D9884.4020903 at gmail.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"; Format="flowed"

Op 25-07-11 16:29, wouter Vandenneucker schreef:
> Hi Gino,
> and welcome to Ubuntu-be :)
> Great to hear you like Free Software! Also, feel  free to drop by on
> IRC during a meeting (usually thursday at 21h).
> grts
> Wouter
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2011 16:12:39 +0200
> From: mazzola.gino at gmail.com
> To: ubuntu-be at lists.ubuntu.com
> Subject: [Ubuntu-be] presentation gino mazzola
> Bonjour ? vous,
> je m'appel Mazzola Gino, je suis un utilisateur du logiciel libre et
> un d?veloppeur web.
> j'ai d?cid? de faire la promotion du libre avec adrien et sylvain que
> vous connaissez.
> Cela fait 4 ans que j'utilise des logiciels libres, grace ? mes ?tudes
> mais aussi depuis l'install party qu'Ubuntu-be
> a organiser ? Eccaussines lors de ma premi?re ann?e d'?tude.
> Je suis employ? dans une soci?t? qui utilise ubuntu server comme
> serveur web.
> Je crois en la philosophie du libre, je vais travailler avec adrien et
> sylvain pour promouvoir le logiciel libre en belgique.
> A bient?t
> Hi all,
> I am Mazzola Gino and I am a free software user and a web developper.
> I decide to promote free software with Adrien and Sylvain that you know.
> I use free software since 4 years with my studies and since and
> Install Party Ubuntu-be.
> I am employee in a society who us ubuntu serveur as a web server.
> I believe in the philosophy of free software, I will work with Adrien
> and Sylvain to promote free software in Belgium.
> See you soon
> -- ubuntu-be mailing list / mailto:ubuntu-be at lists.ubuntu.com Modify
> settings or unsubscribe at:
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-be
Hello Gino!!

I'm not that active on the list, but i'm there to welcome a new member!!
Welcome here and i hope you have lots of fun!!
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End of ubuntu-be Digest, Vol 65, Issue 15
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