[Ubuntu-be] T-shirt update

wouter Vandenneucker woutervddn at hotmail.com
Thu Jan 13 23:29:41 UTC 2011

Hi guys,

Previous poll showed that most of you guys like the v9. But because of the position of some content on some shirts we would have to pay €2.56 extra for each shirt. 
v6, v7 and v9 have either content on the front and the sleeve or on the front and the back. This results in 2 separate printings and thus 2 times setup costs.

Therefor we have decided to leave v6 v7 and v9 out of the voting. We want to ask you to fill in one last poll. After this poll we will order 100 shirts.
They will be available for everyone. Once you all have voted we will take pre-orders!
The shirts should be ready before FOSDEM, so we'll be ordering very soon. Don't miss out your chance to vote. 
The poll will close the 17th of januari at 23.59h
You can vote for your favorite shirt at: http://ubuntu-be.org/nl/content/514/which-shirt-do-you-prefer

The proposal T-shirts can still be found at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/PromotionMaterial/ProposalsT-shirts
Or at: http://ubuntu-be.org/nl/content/515/shirt-selection

More info and the results of the last poll can also be found at: http://ubuntu-be.org/nl/content/515/shirt-selection
Kind regards,

The Ubuntu-be T-shirt-team
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