[Ubuntu-be] IRC meeting 10/02/2011 – Report

Massimiliano Lentini lentini.massimiliano at gmail.com
Mon Feb 14 15:34:05 UTC 2011

I uploaded mine SVG's too


Op 13/02/2011 19:40, schreef Jurgen Gaeremyn:
> Hash: SHA512
>>> - Flyers Ubuntu-be a6 (2011)
>>> We need more new ideas/designs for new flyers 2011. Proposals are in
>>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/PromotionMaterial/ProposalsFlyers2011 .
>>> Please add your proposals/comments in the mailing list for discussion
>>> (and in the wiki). ramtar will translate the flyer in French. woutervddn
>>> will provide the source file. Deadline for the project: 01 June 2011
>>> - Rollups to improve our booths: which design?  First proposals are
>>> already in. Please add your proposals in the wiki page:
>>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/PromotionMaterial/ProposalsRollup2011
>>> Question to Canonical (if (free or cheap) rollups are available?) will
>>> be sent through the LoCo-teams Council and the
>>> loco-contacts op lists.ubuntu.com (mailing list). Perhaps other LoCo teams
>>> are interested?
> Are the original (I assume SVG) files of the sample flyers available for
> download? I would like to use the same theme as either the one of Wouter
> or Massimiliano for the Rollup 2011. (or vice versa make a flyer in the
> theme of my rollup with the content of one of the existing flyers).
> If anyone would want the SVG-file of my design to fiddle with... give me
> a blip and I'll send it to you.
> Grtz,
> Jurgen.
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/
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> =Q1vb

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