[Ubuntu-be] ubuntu-be mugs?

wouter Vandenneucker woutervddn at hotmail.com
Sat Feb 12 19:53:14 UTC 2011

personally I'm like the fact of having merchandising stuff to offer.
1st of because it will be cheaper for people than getting their own stuff printed out.

2nd because even I'm sure prices can be low and still benefit U-be.

I'm not saying U-be should transform in a market space but having money that comes in to the account would benefit U-be without a doubt.
For example to add tablecloths to all event boxes or such..

Nevertheless I can understand that quiet a lot of people aren't really liking the idea of selling merchandising (other than the shirts).
So I'd love to see what the rest of you guys think.. IMO it's a good idea to discuss this in the ML..



Date: Sat, 12 Feb 2011 19:23:43 +0100
From: ward.ubuntu op gmail.com
To: ubuntu-be op lists.ubuntu.com
Subject: [Ubuntu-be] ubuntu-be mugs?

Hello all,

The ubuntu-be t-shirts are selling very good, I thought maybe we could start looking for other things to sell as well.
Things I found are:

I sent a mail to http://significs.nl , if we buy a box of 36 we can buy them for €209,40, shiping included.

Any print with any amount of diffirent colors can be used.
We can get them for €180 incl. shipment if we include 'made by significs.nl'  somewhere in small on the mug-design.

At fosdem a lot of people ask for bags, also at dipro's people need bags for everything they buy,
we can buy these bags http://www.westfordmill.com/images/more/W107/westfordmill_w107_black.jpg for €3.8 / bag, with a 1 color print on it.

This are just some ideas, what do you think?

Ward De Ridder (warddr)

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