[Ubuntu-be] Etherpad - an idea...
Wouter Vandenneucker
woutervddn at gmail.com
Sat Dec 17 12:51:51 UTC 2011
I'm in favor!
Wouter Vandenneucker
2011/12/15 Jurgen Gaeremyn <jurgen op gaeremyn.be>
> We've had some great experience using Etherpad in the past to generate
> reports and collaborate on ideas...
> ... and we've had a very bad experience recently with iEtherpad shutting
> down without notice - causing us to loose some pages that were still in
> progress.
> Now... Etherpad is open sourced.
> It can be used in different ways - also secured.
> Maybe it's an idea to have our own pad.ubuntu-be.org ?
> Here's the steps to take:
> http://pauleira.com/13/installing-etherpad/
> iirc we running on a (virtual) server - so we could have all the rights
> needed to pull this off.
> Grtz,
> Jurgen.
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