[Ubuntu-be] Linuxbabbel - volgende week woensdag 24 augustus te Izegem

tom verlinden tom.verlinden at gmail.com
Fri Aug 26 10:41:32 UTC 2011

I wasn't present, but i've checked the presentations just now, and they look
very promising if you ask me. (hence my instant mail :-) ).

If you guys were to do the same, in let's say Antwerp, i'd be glad to come
over and take a look.
Maybe i could persuade some people of VoidWarranties to come along with

This might be even an idea for a workshop @ our space....(now there's a

Would you guys see yourself doing this @ a hackerspace??
If so, i could check with our members and maybe we could have a meeting or

Let me know, ok?

Kind regards,


2011/8/26 Steven Leeman <steven op leeman.be>

> 2011/8/26 tom verlinden <tom.verlinden op gmail.com>
>> That looks awesome!
>> Thx for the great tips and the links. (Untill now, i didn't even know
>> about KVM. Now that i do, i wil be checking it out)
>> were you present @ linuxbabbel or did you just check out the presentations
> on the website?
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Verlinden Tom.

And remember:
Linux is not user-friendly. It _is_ user-friendly. It is not
ignorant-friendly and idiot-friendly.
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