[Ubuntu-be] Linuxbabbel - volgende week woensdag 24 augustus te Izegem

Steven Leeman steven at leeman.be
Fri Aug 26 08:28:40 UTC 2011

Op 26 augustus 2011 10:22 schreef Jurgen Gaeremyn <
jurgen.gaeremyn at pandora.be> het volgende:

> Cool!
> Great to see the rollup in action already :D
> yes the chemical smell is now gone...

the stick that keeps it up has to be inserted perfectly so the rollup is
standing straight...
if you just "stick it in the hole" you will have it facing a bit
Pieter found out you can wigle it a little so the rollup faces correctly...

also not to be used outside or where you have a lot of "air deplacements"
.... otherwise make sure you have some weights for on it's short feet....

be carefull with the "zipper"... when opening up as well...
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