[Ubuntu-be] own t-shirts, follow up and design ideas

Massimiliano Lentini lentini.massimiliano at gmail.com
Sat Sep 4 07:41:32 BST 2010

Hello everybody,
I also made a few white variants for the T-shirts.

Maybe now someone can suggest some combination of te proposed models, or 
even other colors?


Op 09/07/2010 11:31, jean7491 schreef:
> Hi to all,
> Design suggestions (I already sent in the mailing list) are now in the 
> wiki :
> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/PromotionMaterial
> I added a possibility to mention Ubuntu-be (or a sponsor) at the 
> bottom of the t-shirt.
> New suggestions posted in the mailing list will be added (preference 
> in .png, 332px × 344px) at the same place for future comparaison.
> jean7491
> Ubuntu Belgium Events Team
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Naam: t-shirt_white-v5-be.png
Type: image/png
Grootte: 17905 bytes
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Een niet-tekst bijlage is verwijderd...
Naam: t-shirt_white-v6-be.png
Type: image/png
Grootte: 15106 bytes
Omschrijving: niet beschikbaar
Url : https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-be/attachments/20100904/ae4757aa/attachment-0004.png 
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Een niet-tekst bijlage is verwijderd...
Naam: t-shirt_white-v7-be.png
Type: image/png
Grootte: 17306 bytes
Omschrijving: niet beschikbaar
Url : https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-be/attachments/20100904/ae4757aa/attachment-0005.png 

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