[Ubuntu-be] Remember - IRC meeting tomorrow Thursday 28/10/2010 at 21.00 hr.

Steven Leeman steven at leeman.be
Thu Oct 28 11:40:54 BST 2010

> e) Confirm that apps usually run faster in Linux than in Windows, because
> of the different memory management.
> Where did you get the idea that apps (in general) run faster in Linux???
> The same program compiled on Linux or Windows should run equally fast on the
> same hardware.
> <http://linux.slashdot.org/story/10/10/24/207204/LSE-Breaks-World-Record-In-Trade-Speed-With-Linux?from=rss>
> Perhaps he has read the following newsarticle where a Microsoft .net
approach from Accenture ended in a day of "downtime" and the linux
implementation set new records (towards other linux implementations of other

> http://linux.slashdot.org/story/10/10/24/207204/LSE-Breaks-World-Record-In-Trade-Speed-With-Linux?from=rss
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