[Ubuntu-be] IRC meeting 14/10/2010 – Report

Frank Neirynck frank.neirynck at stadsomroep.com
Fri Oct 15 17:33:31 BST 2010

Hello Jean and everyone,

I will drop by in Brugge. Ill have my Laptop with 10.10 operational...


-----Oorspronkelijke bericht-----
Van: jean7491-Events-Team <jean7491 op gmail.com>
Reply-to: Ubuntu Belgium <ubuntu-be op lists.ubuntu.com>
Aan: Ubuntu Belgium <ubuntu-be op lists.ubuntu.com>, Jean7491
<jean7491 op gmail.com>
Onderwerp: [Ubuntu-be] IRC meeting 14/10/2010 – Report
Datum: Fri, 15 Oct 2010 18:16:53 +0200

IRC meeting 14/10/2010 – Report
Present at the meeting (in random order) : Wamukota, JanC, Clamam, 
massimo21, jbongaerts, s3v, Jean7491, ILUsion, Javache

1. Future events - October 2010
  a.  Dipro fair Kortrijk (10/10) - report
Successful event, see report and pictures in wiki
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/ComputerFairs/Kortrijk_2010-10-10 .
Wifi was a bit expensive: next time, rather no WiFi.

  b. Dipro fair Brugge (17/10)
Volunteers are still welcome for a few hours !
Coordination through the wiki page 

  c. Release parties for Maverick Meerkat 10.10
Organized by DeWereldMorgen.be in Brussels on 17/10. See details in the 
wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/ReleaseParty

  d. About importance of the booth/event reports (and pictures)
Booth/event reports are important: our monthly report includes links to 
the related wiki pages. Please have a look at the Ubuntu Weekly 
Newsletter (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue213).
Every participant to an event can contribute to the event report in the 
wiki. If you don't know how to do, just ask it through email or IRC 

2. Promotion
  a. Adding links to the website
See web-page http://ubuntu-be.org/nl/content/462/links  (actually only 
in nl. and en.)
Remember details are in the wiki 
Feel free to relay the information to interested 
people/companies/organizations through personal contacts.
massimo21 took contact with the Bitmappers .

  b. t-shirts for Ubuntu-be   (warddr is leading the project, but not 
As warddr (leading the project) was not available, we wait for his 
initiative or call for a special meeting about this issue.

  c. Ubuntu and Facebook
The Ubuntu-be Facebook group:  
Suggestions/propositions to improve our Facebook image and presentation 
are welcome.

  d. Ubuntu and education
   (1) jbongaerts: an IT teacher in a school in Aalter wants to 
introduce Linux-Ubuntu to his students of 15-17 yrs old. He has a few 
laptops on which we can demo the system by CD. He is also willing to 
give one system for a full installation, where we can demo all features. 
jbongaerts asks help to prepare this issue.

   (2) Javache is looking help (a speaker) for an evening session on 
Ubuntu: jbongaerts will help on 9/11/2010 (in Gent).

  (3) Volunteers to help jbongaerts and/or Javache? Please contact them 
directly or through the mailing-list.

3. Update Wiki Belgian Team: no information.

4. Support points map status: migration is going on - but no statistics 

5. Things living in the mailing list and others questions
Canonical CD's 10.10 should arrive by Janc in the next days.

6. Next IRC meeting on Thursday 21/10/2010 at 21.00 hr.

Ubuntu Belgium Events Team

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