[Ubuntu-be] New banner voor Ubuntu-be

jean7491 jean7491 at gmail.com
Sat May 22 20:57:29 BST 2010

Hi Steven,

Thanks for our comment.
Here another variation of your 2d example, using Inkscape.
The "be" is a bit smaller than "ubuntu".
When the new font is available, we just have to change eventually the "e".

Other comments?

Ubuntu Belgium Events Team

Le 22/05/10 13:18, Steven De Baets a écrit :
> Hi folks,
> A little while ago I slowed down my activities in the community
> following my very busy personal life at the moment, but being a graphic
> designer, i would like to add my two cents to this discussion.
> First of all I have to say that the designs look nice, but some of them
> seem kind of 'bloated' to me.
> Don't get me wrong, there is just too much information and too much
> going on for a logo.
> A logo should be remembered in a fraction of a second looking at it.
> Using the full name of the website and at the same time showing the
> ubuntu logo and the circle of friends makes it all too busy for me.
> After all the logo should promote ubuntu in the first place, and not
> only the belgian loco site.
> Some other loco teams are now adopting the new logo and most of them use
> following setup:
> ubuntu logo with the little circle of friends to the right of it (which
> is the standard ubuntu logo and is highly recognisable), followed by the
> two letters of the country (which in our case is "be").
> Examples are the Spanish loco (http://www.ubuntu-es.org) and South
> Africa (http://www.ubuntu-za.org).
> I personally think this is the way all teams will go in the end.
> According to those other teams, i attach two examples of how i see it at
> the moment.
> I'll be happy to follow this for the moment, and would like to hear any
> thoughts on this...
> Kind regards,
> Steven.
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Naam: Be_banner white bckgr-9.resized.png
Type: image/png
Grootte: 7711 bytes
Omschrijving: niet beschikbaar
Url : https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-be/attachments/20100522/1180fe77/attachment-0001.png 

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