[Ubuntu-be] Importing support points from map.ubuntu-be.org to the website (need review and translations)

jean7491 jean7491 at gmail.com
Sun May 16 19:25:06 BST 2010


The mail inviting users (existing support points) to update/renew their 
information and commitment should include information "what happens if 
no reaction/answer?": no reaction will lead to the loss of status 
support point.

My suggestion is to add at the end "If you do not answer this message, 
it will cause the loss of your status support point".

Nevertheless, a mail remembering the need of an answer can be sent to 
people who did not yet react within 1 month.

Ubuntu Belgium Events Team

Le 16/05/10 18:56, Pierre Buyle a écrit :
> Hi,
> The script to import suppot points information from the old
> map.ubuntu-be.org to the main (Drupal) site at ubuntu-be.org is almost
> ready. I still need to add the code to sent the mail inviting users to
> either review the imported information or enter their information and
> then renew their commitments. I'll also need the text for these email
> in English, Dutch, French.
> Here are my proposition for the email (in English). Please take the
> time to review this text and to provide translations and feedback.
> Thanks.
> -- to supporter with a matching user account --
> Hi !nickname,
> The map.ubuntu-be.org site has been integrated into the main web site
> at ubuntu-be.org. During this process, your address, spoken languages
> and level of expertise have been imported into your account. Your
> commitments to the community have not been imported. Please, visit
> !url to review the imported information and to re-new your commitments
> to the community.
> -- to supporter without a matching user account --
> Hi !firstname,
> The map.ubuntu-be.org site has been integrated into the main web site
> at ubuntu-be.org. We were not able to match your email address to an
> account used on the main site. We are thus unable to import
> information from to old site. Please login at !url to enter your
> information and re-new your commitments to the community. In order to
> login, you'll need to an account on Launchpad.net, a software
> collaboration platform used for Ubuntu development and a lot of other
> Free and Open Source projects. Registration on Launchpad.net is easy,
> simply visit https://launchpad.net/+login.
> --
> Pierre Buyle

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