[Ubuntu-be] New banners for the Be LoCo Team

Matthew Deboysere matthew at next-games.nl
Wed May 12 15:31:13 BST 2010

I agree actually about the LoCo-part. It's like we are crazy, which I
suppose we aren't. Local Community is a better way, but also this name
actually needs an update, although we are not allowed to change that,
aren't we?

I suppose Belgian Team is the best way to describe it. I'll have a look
once I get home after work and try to figure out what to do for a new BLCT


(yeah, I'm back... a bit. I'm now living in England until the end of June,
because of my internship. Got to do something, right?)

> Hi,
> Again a few ideas,
> The old banner was mainly used to identify the Ubuntu-be booths in the
> events like fairs,...
> I don't like the idea to modify the new Ubuntu logo (design of text and
> cof) : in my opinion, we have to include the original in the banner, as
> symbol of being part the Ubuntu community.
> The reference to the Belgian Local Community Team has to be simple and
> can be added as text with a colored symbol (at the left side, replacing
> the flag) or text only.
> The acronym LoCo is not needed, as it can be confusing, the label
> "Belgian Team" is enough, but not in the same new Ubuntu font.
> The banner has to be simple or light ("Light: Ubuntu is Lightware").
> jean7491
> Ubuntu Belgium Events Team
> Le 12/05/10 09:35, Pierre Buyle a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> Nice idea to update our LoCo logo/banner. It's needed to keep up to
>> date with the changes in Ubuntu's branding.
>> I don't remember the Belgian flag on the old banner (it's not there on
>> the website). I'm not a big fan of this flag. I would rather see a
>> re-colored version of the circle of friend like I did for the
>> "branding" of the team on Launchpad, see
>> https://launchpadlibrarian.net/24372623/ubuntu-be.mugshot.png.
>> I know the branding guide at
>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/VisualIdentity forbid change to the
>> circle of friend shape and color. But my understanding is that these
>> are the guidelines for official Ubuntu communications. As an official
>> LoCo I think we have the right to use the Ubuntu branding but also to
>> modify it to create our own branding. So unless I'm wrong on these
>> points, changes to the circle of friends are ok.
>> For the Launchpad team logo, I used the Tango project color palette.
>> I'm not sure these colors fit well in the new branding so it may be
>> necessary to use other shades of red, yellow and black. Also the
>> circle of friend is now white in a single-color roundel. It cannot be
>> simply re-colored in three colors. An idea I plan to toy with later is
>> to split the roundel in three.
>> It should also be possible to found and use the new "Ubuntu" font for
>> the "Belgian LoCo Team" text.
>> P.
>> On Wed, May 12, 2010 at 12:02 AM, Jean7491 <jean7491 op gmail.com
>> <mailto:jean7491 op gmail.com>> wrote:
>>     Hi to all,
>>     Ref. ubuntu_brandmark_interim_guides.pdf
>>     (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/VisualIdentity)
>>     In accordance with the new artwork, I suggest 2 new banners bor
>>     the Be LoCo Team, for use in posters, flyers , presentations, ...
>>     Hereafter  the previous banner.
>>     Please feel free to comment and to present other proposals.
>>     New proposals
>>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>     Old banner
>>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>     ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>     --
>>     jean7491
>>     Ubuntu Belgium Events Team
>>     --
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> --
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Matthew Deboysere
GameScores / Next-Games.nl

   tav Matthew Deboysere
   Steensedijk 643
   8400-BE Oostende

   Web: http://www.next-games.nl
   Mail: matthew op next-games.nl

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