[Ubuntu-be] IRC meeting 24/03/2010 – Report
jean7491 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 25 23:13:09 GMT 2010
IRC meeting 24/03/2010 – Report
Present at the meeting (in random order) : rulus, siegie , mandel, JanC,
pvandewijngaerde, jean7491, Clamam, hfsdo, mimor
1. Past and future events
a. Dipro Oostmalle (21/03)
The booth was organized by 2 volunteers (Thanks to siegie and rulus).
The public was in relation with the size of the fair, fairly small. As
we started earlier the preparation, there was enough material, including
posters, flyers and cd's. The unused promotion material (20 cd's, …) is
available in Ghent (rulus) for the Dipro fair on 18/4. Our team had a
lot of conversation with interested visitors, and installed Ubuntu on a
laptop during the fair. Pictures and report are in the wiki. The total
of the gifts (32.40 euros) was less than the booth fees.
b.. Dipro Genk (28/03)
Clamam has prepared the booth (4 volunteers, hardware, promotion and
decoration material). Everything is ready. The team is ready to
cooperate with the Bitmappers for Ubuntu-promotion, including the
release party in Genk on 16/5. JanC will care for ordering the booth by
Dipro. He will send original CD's 9.10 to Clamam.
c Dipro Ghent (18/4)
Ubunteros from Ghent area should decide if they want to organize a
booth at the Dipro fair on 18/4. Who is volunteer for the booth ? Who
will coordinate the booth ? Preparation needs time, beginning with
collecting material and the constitution of a team. Some people expects
Ubuntu-be to be there.
d. Release parties Lucid Lynx 10.04LTS.
Already announced (and partly promoted via the mailing list) :
- 03/05 meeting HCC regio Vlaanderen in Mechelen (likely release party
during a meeting)
- 16/05 Ubuntu Meeting (release party) by the Bitmappers-Hasselt – in
Cultuurcentrum - Genk (big event!) http://www.ubuntu-meeting.be/
- 9/05 Release party by Dewereldmorgen.be (earlier Indymedia) in
Brussels - information will come soon.
- Ghent release party : mimor started looking for this event. During the
opening week-end of Whitespace in Ghent, mimor had contacts about
organizing a (limited in size) release party (or install party) : 2
rooms for approx max. 30 participants, but no more than 20 chairs,
hardware, internet and technical support is available. A meeting is
planned on 25/3 and mimor will get more information. Decisions are
needed about when ? (not 9/5 and 16/5) and how to promote the party to
reach +/- 20 participants ? Mimor thinks about giving lightning talks on
stuff such as the major changes in Ubuntu 10.04 and then do some
hands-on stuff. If someone knows something cool in the Ubuntu 10.04 to
demo, please let it know to mimor.
- Antwerp : with local Ubunteros, we started a project to organize
within the Ubuntu-be booth at Dipro fair in Antwerp on 9/5 something, a
kind of “install-launch-rp-lookalike” party. We are studying the
possibility. Question was sent to Dipro for faisability (booth 6m. x
4m.). Next to the normal booth setting, we plan an animation, like
install party in an improved area (in the afternoon), or something like
that. Main problem will be promotion in Antwerp area to attract people :
suggestion, and certainly help, will be welcome. First brain storming
to have a coherent project, then the promotion ... flyers, ... other
possibilities, ... ?
e. Other events
People from Libre Graphics Meeting asked if some people from Ubuntu-be
want to volunteer for them to present Ubuntu. JanC will mail the list
about that.
2. Promotion
a. Public Relations. We need a Public-Relations Team (with people who
knows about Public Relations) helping to promote Ubuntu information and
activities in the media. First work is to write and disseminate a press
article or press release about the release of 10.04LTS.
Of course, we can send a press-release to every media, including local
radios, Very nice, but who will lead this proposal of "press-release" ?
Maybe we can suggest the BitMappers to do a joint press release ? JanC
will send an email to the BitMappers.
JanC can help to write a press release in Dutch (and maybe English?),
mandel can help in English.
The first problem is to find a few motivated volunteers ! All reactions
and comments are welcome in the mailing list.
b. No new information about localized CD's. We are looking for
volunteers to lead this project (related to 10.04LTS) and to investigate
the possibilities, including prices-offers.
JanC proposes to discuss it with the Bitmappers.
If no interest for this item, it will be deleted from the agenda for
next meetings.
3. Support points map status
No new input. Don't forget to have a look at the project on-line for
all to see and test : http://ubuntu.gwickt.com/drupal6/ (for test and
bug report purpose).
4. Things living in the mailing list
a. New ways/events to promote Ubuntu : no new input.
b. siegie suggests a presentation on the radio, like in 2008 (Mark).
The release of Ubuntu 10.04 LTS would be a great moment to repeat it.
Perhaps we can ask to Mark for help : at the same time, this is a great
topic for a P-R team !
5. Next meeting on 31/03/2010 at 21 h.
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