[Ubuntu-be] New Banner - Call for propositions

Steven De Baets steven.debaets at telenet.be
Wed Jun 16 10:10:06 BST 2010

Hi to all,
Hello Jean,

As asked by Jean, I added 2 proposals with black and grey "be" parts.

@Jan: designed using linux software that can handle cmyk and converted
to png :-D . Indeed the spacing in the beta font isn't correct. I
noticed that as well and made small adjustments to the text.

Kind regards,

On 14-06-10 20:56, jean7491 wrote:
> Steven,
> To keep it simple and as suggested by Jan, could you present another
> proposition using use a (dark) grey or maybe even black for the "be"
> part ?
> jean7491
> Ubuntu Belgium Events Team
> On 10/06/10 13:07, Steven De Baets wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> According to the Visual Identity guidelines, one cannot change the shape
>> or colour of the circle of friends.
>> I also read that there has to be a "registered trademark" sign when the
>> ubuntu logo is being published in a size over 3 cm wide.
>> Yesterday there also leaked a beta version of the ubuntu-font on the
>> internet. Only the internationalisation of the font isn't finished yet.
>> The beta version is complete for our language, it works well, and I used
>> it in this version.
>> I also used the official cmyk colours for this one.
>> Personally, I think that the Belgian colours don't work well with the
>> orange of the Ubuntu logo in any way (trust me, i tried to make them
>> work), and logos with Belgian colours give a rather cluttered impression
>> (except for the ones where the circle of friends have the colours, but
>> as we said earlier, we can't).
>> Furthermore, using both the belgian colours and the "be"-text seems
>> double, as everyone understands "be" stands for "Belgium".
>> We have to keep it clean and simple. That's the only way to keep things
>> highly recognisable, and true to the minimalistic direction and the
>> decluttering actions both Canonical and the distribution have taken
>> recently (eg. Ubuntu Light and the Unity desktop).
>> When I created the current posters (Ontketen je computer), I took a
>> minimalistic approach as well, because I thought it was the right way to
>> go. I haven't changed my mind since then...
>> But that's just me...
>> Regards,
>> Steven.

Met vriendelijke groeten,

Steven De Baets

Tel: +32 495 183090
Fax: +32 70 429691
Web: http://www.stevendebaets.com

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Naam: steven 06.png
Type: image/png
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Url : https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-be/attachments/20100616/11866359/attachment-0002.png 
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Type: image/png
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Omschrijving: niet beschikbaar
Url : https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-be/attachments/20100616/11866359/attachment-0003.png 

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