[Ubuntu-be] IRC meeting 30/06/2010 – Report

jean7491 jean7491 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 1 16:22:36 BST 2010

IRC meeting 30/06/2010 – Report
Present at the meeting (in random order) : pvandewyngaerde, nero_, 
jean7491, Clamam, massimo21

1. Future events - Planning September 2010
05/09 Dipro Ghent, 12/09 Dipro Antwerp, 19/09 Dipro Charleroi, 26/09 
Dipro Hasselt (team is already complete)
Other events :
  - 18/09 Software Freedom Day (SFD) : suggestions about activities to 
organize or to participate in ?
Ostend : a presentation of FOSS will be organized in the municipal 
library by local volunteers.
  - 26/09 Nielse Computer Dag in cooperation with the local computer 
club  "Monitor". We need a team for this event. 

2. Promotion - Update promotion material : new banner (for 
identification of the Ubuntu-be team in events)
Results of the poll in Launchpad, be_banner-v1 : 5 votes; v2 : 3 votes; 
v3 : 0 vote; v4 and v5 ex-aequo with 8 votes each.
The choice of the participants to the IRC meeting is the be_banner-v4.
As there was no objection or different opinion expressed in the mailing 
list, the new banner is adopted.
(see model in the wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/ComputerFairs 
Par. 5)

3. Support points map status : mongolito404 is working on it, no information

4, Things living in the Mailing List
  a. T-shirt proposal : warddr is working on the proposal. Call for 
design propositions has been sent (see mail on 30/06) in the mailing 
list. Feel free to imagine designs and to post your proposals in the 
mailing list. Design can be Ubuntu-be related or Ubuntu in general. If 
you use Ubuntu logo, please respect the guidelines and official models 
  b. IRC meetings in June, July and August
No meeting in July and next meeting in August on 18/08. “on call” 
meetings, if necessary.

6. Next IRC meeting on 18/08/2010 at 21.00 hr.

Ubuntu Belgium Events Team

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