[Ubuntu-be] FOSDEM 2010

Jan Claeys ubuntu at janc.be
Tue Jan 26 19:28:50 GMT 2010

Hello all,

FOSDEM 2010 is coming soon again...  We have a booth like the previous
years, and I have t-shirts & other stuff to sell (including some Kubuntu
stuff, as people complained about that last year).

There will also be an Ubuntu multiseat like the previous years (thanks
to Guy Duportail!).

Like previous years, we'll need some volunteers for the booth (please
add your name on the wiki if you want to help, maybe with some info
about when you can help).

Ideas about things to demo are also welcome.

And like last year we'll probably go out for diner with Ubuntu-people
from all over the world (or at least Europe) on Saturday evening again.
Unlike last year we'd like to make a reservation if possible, as last
year we had to walk around a lot before finding food with a "large"
group.  So please add your name if you want to attend diner, so that we
have an idea about the number of people...

Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Fosdem/2010

Jan Claeys

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