[Ubuntu-be] Ghent Dipro fair 31/01/2010, can we meet

Mike Morraye mike at morraye.be
Wed Jan 20 19:11:48 GMT 2010

As suggested on the wiki-page, there will be a meeting tonight at 21h.
The Dipro Fair in Ghent is on the agenda too.

People not familiar with IRC can join trough the webclient:

For further information about tonights meeting:

For further information about the upcoming Dipro meeting in Ghent:

Hope to see you there tonight.

Kind regards,

Mike Morraye

On Wed, 2010-01-20 at 09:18 +0000, kenneth.westelinck at pandora.be wrote:
> Dear list,
> For the people that will be participating on the next Dipro fair in Ghent; I suggest we meet this week, or the next week on IRC to discuss the details. When does this suit best (for me, not on Wednesdays)?
> regards,
> Kenneth

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