[Ubuntu-be] Ubuntu cd's beschikbaar in Gent?
Jan Claeys
ubuntu at janc.be
Mon Jan 18 12:29:58 GMT 2010
Op vrijdag 15-01-2010 om 11:06 uur [tijdzone +0100], schreef Mark Van
den Borre:
> Hi list,
> >> 2010/1/13 Ward De Ridder <ward.ubuntu at gmail.com>
> >>>
> >>> Dat zelf laten maken klikt goed.
> >>> Dat is vorig jaar ook eens gedaan voor een releaseparty zeker hé?
> >> die van Hardy
> Bart Broeckx has done a splendid job on the Hardy release party in the
> past. One of the things he did was work on the cd's:
I don't think Bart has the time to do this again this time...
> * find sponsors
> * have them printed in Germany (cheaper)
> * drove to Germany to deliver the master and go and get 2000 cd's.
If my memory is correct, the CDs were bought by a Belgian company that
used a German CD factory to make them, and driving to Germany was the
only way to get the CDs done in time for the release party in
> I was rather skeptical on the beforehand, but the result was amazing!
> Do ask him, as he has a lot of experience.
I'm sure he would be happy to provide some info about what he did & how
he did it, maybe even meet some people who want to work on this.
> Definitely worth the effort for the Ubuntu 10.04 LTS release!
> My company will happily buy 100€ worth of either localised Ubuntu
> 10.04 LTS cd's or 100€ of advertising on the lot, whatever helps most.
Well, then we have at least one sponsor already! ;-)
BTW: investigating the option of providing a localised DVD might be
useful too (it's a bit more expensive, but we can fit a lot more on
Jan Claeys
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