[Ubuntu-be] DIPRO Ghent

kenneth.westelinck@pandora.be kenneth.westelinck at telenet.be
Thu Jan 14 12:18:13 GMT 2010


>I'd like to volunteer and give a hand on DIPRO in Ghent. I've added my user
>name to the wiki and just wanted to let you know.
Thanks, your help is very much appreciated.

>I can bring a long my
>Netbook with UNR as well as my more chunky laptop and digital camera (if we
>want to take some picts), let me know if you want me to bring any of those
>things (or all of them!).
Bring everything you can, if possible.

I will be sending a mail in the next couple of days with more practical information for this fair (maybe some more enthusiasts can join us?). I will also try to update the wiki with the stuff I have from the Ghent event box.
Next week or so, we could arrange an IRC meeting to discuss more into detail.



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