[Ubuntu-be] iedereenonline.be / tousenligne.be PCs: where is Linux ?

Ben Van Aerde benvanaerde at gmail.com
Thu Jan 7 01:11:28 GMT 2010

I just noticed that the comments are finally approved:


On Thu, Dec 24, 2009 at 11:57 AM, Y P <yellow.penguin at edpnet.be> wrote:

> Hi Jan:
> On Thu, Dec 24, 2009 at 02:35:41AM +0100, Jan Claeys wrote:
> > Op woensdag 23-12-2009 om 14:34 uur [tijdzone +0100], schreef Y P:
> > > IMHO it's an easy way politics does like to repush the responsibility
> > > of those faults to another, here in this case they doesn't choosed the
> > > software offered, but they does accept to contribute in it! so this is
> > > a support of those non-free solutions, wheneven they do write you that
> > > it's the responsibility of the firms that were proposing the
> > > solutions.
> >
> > Actually, as Mila Druwe says, the government is not allowed to
> > push/force a particular proposal (that would be against fair
> > compatition).
> I've no asked to push one or another proposition,
> I just said it is not done that they push ONE and ONLY, implicitely, by
> ignoring alternate offers based on Mac or Linux:
> if they are not the reseller themselve, they can (will) as gov inform the
> citizens about available alternatives.
> > They can set some objective criteria though.
> >
> > E.g. once the government finally moves over to ODF as the only real open
> > document format (as there exist no implementations of OOXML, and
> > probably never will), then the government can require compatibility with
> > ODF (so that people can communicate with the government efficiently).
> Mmm, sorry, IMHO this is another issue: for now the most important thing is
> "informing":
> - we do need to inform the minister's department (fedict) about those wrong
> choices
> - ask for implementing thos task by providing information on all the
> concerned sites, because there are Mac and Linux solutions near Windows.
> Mery Xmas Jan.
> Y)ellow P)enguin
> --
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