[Ubuntu-be] IRC meeting 18/08/2010 – Report

jean7491 jean7491 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 19 11:56:43 BST 2010

IRC meeting 18/08/2010 – Report
Present at the meeting (in random order) : Gh0sty, Clamam,  massimo21, 
nero_, jean7491

1. Future events - Events September 2010
  a. Dipro fairs - 05/09 Ghent, 12/09 Antwerp, 19/09 Charleroi and 26/09 
We need to compose teams for Ghent, Antwerp and Charleroi. Team Hasselt 
is nearly ready. Volunteers, please add your names in the wiki

  b. Software Freedom Day (18/9)
Information session is already planned in Ostend in cooperation with 
local Zandletters association.
No other activity ?

  c. Nielse computer dag (26/9) in cooperation with local computerclub 
Monitor …
  nero_ will coordinate the booth : we need at least 3 volunteers to 
compose the team.

2. Promotion
  a. Adding commercial links to the website
We already discussed the topic, see draft in the wiki 
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/Website/Commercial_links-draft for 
Before to launch the project and contacting companies, we are waiting 
action by JanC for the activation of an email address 
"contact op ubuntu-be.org", as single point of entry/contact between 
commercial companies and Ubuntu-be: mail will be transferred to 
interested members of Ubuntu-be.

  b. t-shirts for Ubuntu-be
We are waiting for other new design proposals. See 

3. Update Wiki Belgian Team - “How to contact Ubuntu-be Team ?”
  a. As communication channel, we use regularly IRC #ubuntu-be and the 
mailing list, and sometimes micro-blogging - identi.ca (!ubuntube). To 
reflect the actual situation, we have to delete "Social networks 
(Facebook and Orkut) and Twitter (Ubuntu-be Twibe)".

  b. Facebook : does Ubuntu-be have to be present on Facebook, as 
Ubuntu.com already is ? An exchange can be started through the mailing list.

  c. Generally Ubuntu-be is missing a single point of entry for 
mail/questions from outside (Ubuntu-be), in fact the same as for 
"commercial links". Use of the mailing list is not good as too impersonal.

4. Support points map status : nothing new, we are waiting for 
mongolito404 availability.

5. Next IRC meeting on 25/08/2010 at 21 h.

Ubuntu Belgium Events Team

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