[Ubuntu-be] [Fwd: [Ayatana] Bluetooth: What do you use it for? (design research)]

Richard Bennett richard.b at gritechnologies.com
Fri Apr 23 19:43:38 BST 2010

On Wed, 14 Apr 2010 02:06:53 +0200, Jan Claeys <lists at janc.be> wrote:

> Hello everybody,
> Matthew wants to know how and for what people use bluetooth and the
> bluetooth menu in the panel on Ubuntu.  If you answer to the list I will
> forward your answers...


> 1.  What kinds of Bluetooth device do you use with Ubuntu?
Built-in bluetooth device in MSI laptop.
Nokia E61
Apple alu BT keyboard
Logitech BT mouse.
Wacom BT tablet

> 2.  Do you use the Bluetooth menu in the panel? If so, what for, and
>     how often?
I use the BT icon in the systray the most, to activate devices etc.
To get the Nokia working as an EDGE modem I had to configure all by hand  
in several scripts.
I tried using some connection wizard from apt-get that was supposed to  
easily connect most GPRS phones over BT but that didn't work.
I never managed to get the Nokia to sync contacts or anything else with  
many phone apps (gnokki, wammu, kmobiletools etc)
I would also use my BT stereo headset, but couldn't get that working in  
real stereo.

Apple keyoard and mouse work well enough, but most BT devices require  
googling the forums to find out how to get them connected / remap keys etc.

> 3.  Do you use Bluetooth devices with any OS other than Ubuntu? If so,
>     do you find it more or less convenient, and why?
Also on Windows XP at work.
Is not all that great, each dongle comes with its own buggy firmware and  
memory hogging programs that show BT animations but don't actueally work  
all that well.
On Windows I cannot get the keyboard, wacom and mouse working at the same  
time - under Ubunut I can.
Advantage of Windows is that devices reconnect automatically once you get  
them working, in Ubuntu I often have to pair them again to be able to find  

Hope that helps.


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