[Ubuntu-be] Ubuntu-meeting op 16 mei 2010 @ Cultuurcentrum Genk

Pierre Buyle mongolito404+ubuntu-be at gmail.com
Wed Apr 7 11:51:42 BST 2010


The link to this event on the Ubuntu-be website is
http://ubuntu-be.org/nl/content/275/ubuntu-releaseparty-1004lts-genk. The
event is only displayed when the site is visited in Dutch as no description
is provided for other languages. They can be provided at
http://ubuntu-be.org/node/275/translate. Join the website editors team if
you want to contribute.

At http://ubuntu-be.org/category/event-types/release-party<http://ubuntu-be.org/fr/category/event-types/release-party>,
a list all release parties (past and future) with a description in your
language is available.

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