[Ubuntu-be] IRC meeting report 09/09/2009

jean7491 jean7491 at free.fr
Thu Sep 10 20:20:59 BST 2009

IRC meeting report
Present at the IRC meeting 09/09/2009 (in random order): Wamukota,
jean7491, JanC, wdh, siegie, Gh0sty

1. Past and Future Events
 a. Dipro Ghent on 06/09 -- Report
Report (by Matthew) in the wiki, thanks to the participants
 b. Dipro Antwerp on 13/09
Preparation is ongoing, the team is ready.
 c. Software Freedom Day and HCC Vlaanderen OpenDoor Day 19/09
The team (only 2 volunteers at the beginning of the meeting has been
completed, thanks positive answers by siegie and dries. Help by
additional volunteers is still always welcome.
There is a BBQ at the end of the HCC/SFD event : http://www.hcc-vl.be/cms/
 d. Accenta 2009 Fair in Ghent 19/09 and 20/09
Core team is ready for the 2 days, but we need additional volunteers, as
we don't know how many people will visit the fair. The Accenta 2009
organisator announces 8.000 to 10.000 visitors a day.
Digipolis, the organisator of the booth area we are part of, received a
"Dipro like" proposal, and agreed with.
 e. Dipro Hasselt 27/09
For the moment, 3 volunteers are part of the team.
The BitMappers computer club (Hasselt) is not present at the fair.
To be more confortable, we need 2 additional volunteers.
A call for support will be posted in the Ubuntu-nl forum.

2. Promotion material:
 a.An SFD/Ubuntu 2009 poster version (Nl and Fr) is available. Printing
with a plotter in format A2 and/or A1 is possible. Information will be
posted in the mailing list.
 b. New posters are on sale, prices and order procedure have been
 c. Other promotion material : when we present self-burned cd's, we can
use improved CD sleeves  with a logo and picture on usual white sleeve.
A model is available, on request.

3. Things living in the mailing list
 a. Participation to IRCc meeting
No answer, we are still hoping suggestions for more participants.
 b.Do we need a forum?
Results of the poll: Yes : 5 (71%), No : 2 (28%), ... Participation to
the poll 7 answers, 5% of 129 members of the Belgian LoCo Team (in
Comment: there is a very limited interest for this topic.

4. Next IRC meeting on 16/09/2009 at 21.00 h.
/Ubuntu Belgium Events Team/

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