[Ubuntu-be] Dipro fair Hasselt - 27/09/2009 - Report

jean7491 jean7491 at free.fr
Tue Sep 29 21:09:51 BST 2009

About Support points :

In the Hasselt report, I wrote
"To constitute the team, 20 support points of Hasselt area were 
contacted, with 6 answers and 4 volunteers effectively involved in the 

14 did not answer,
2 answers with positive reaction to help, but not available on 27/09,
4 answers with participation to the booth (very motivated).

Why 14 support points did not answer (they did not decline!) ?
I had the same result in Ghent and Antwerp areas, between 20 and 25 % 
answers (positive and negative).

There can be a lot of reasons, the first one is that this kind of 
request is not in the commitment/engagement of the support point.
In July (mail on 18/07/2009), Jurgen tested 27 support points by asking 
for help on installing Ubuntu in dual boot, with 12 answers (=45%).
The support point map is a good tool, but is it efficient and 
efficiently used?

1. Update of the support points map : a mail to all existing members 
with a "reactivation link" (or something similar) that needs to be 
clicked on te remain on the list. Possibly this would be a nice moment 
to ask some additional information (see point 2).
2. In the registration form for support point, add a 4th commitment 
"Help Ubuntu-be in its activities, if possible", useful for Dipro and s.o.

Jan Claeys a écrit :
> Op dinsdag 29-09-2009 om 06:12 uur [tijdzone +0200], schreef Jurgen
> Gaeremyn:
>> Maybe it would be a good idea to keep track of volunteers who already 
>> declined, so we don't address them again in 6 months with the same 
>> question. I can imagine one just randomly picks the closest volunteers 
>> on the map, and having the same person needing to decline twice would 
>> probably feel unpleasant. 
> Depends on why they declined: no time that weekend or not interested in
> general?

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