[Ubuntu-be] IRC meeting report - 02/09/2009
jean7491 at free.fr
Thu Sep 3 21:43:53 BST 2009
IRC meeting report
Present at the IRC meeting 02/09/2009 (in random order): JanC, willem7,
mimor, kws, jean7491, Wamukota, Gh0sty, dieter, Indra6oc
1. Future events (September)
a. 06/09 Dipro Fair Ghent,
Matthew has the lead and is (was) available for an IRC coordination on
03/09 at 21 h. (#ubuntu-be).
Everything is going on track. Kenneth will bring a 24” lcd screen (to be
picked up from Guy (Linux-Service) after a contact via email or phone)).
b. 13/09 Dipro Fair Antwerp
The team and the organization are OK.
Additional equipment needed for Antwerp: a few cd's and pen's.
c. 19/09 HCC Vlaanderen Open Door Day + Software Freedom Day (SFD) in
Wezembeek Oppem
Coordinated with willem7 (Willem Huysmans of HCC Vlaanderen).
Ubuntu-be will organize a booth (like a Dipro booth) with 4 people, 2
tables, hardware, decoration, promotion material, … JanC has the lead
for coordination with Willem and for the booth . HCC Vlaanderen will
provide 2 tables with dark blue clothes. Additionally HCC Vlaanderen
received some promotional stuff (mainly Ubuntu cd's) from the SFD
Although the event will mostly concern dutch-speaking people, due to the
location, a few promotion material (posters and flyers) can be added in
French, English and possibly in German. The preparation of the booth can
start at 13 h. and the event starts 14.00 h..
Participants: we need at least 2 additional volunteers for the team.
*Volunteers ?* Please add your names in the wiki.
Suggestion: an Ubuntu-be “special SFD related” poster (to be printed in
a few ex. for 19/09 (HCC Vlaanderen Open Door Day and Accenta 2009).
*Call for ideas ?*
d. 19-20/09 Accenta 2009 Fair Ghent
Ubuntu-be will organize a booth (like a Dipro booth) with at least 4
people (each day), 2 tables, hardware, decoration, promotion material.
Opening hours: 11,00 - 19,00 h.
Set-up of the booth on 19/09 from 10,00 to 11,00 h. Special attention
will be paid on 19/09 for the SFD.
Contacts are ongoing to prepare the booth and for other aspects
(security, ...).
Participants: in total, we need at least 4 volunteers on 19/04 and 4
volunteers on 20/09. Coordination: jean7491. 50% of the volunteers are
already identified. In addition we need a volunteer(s) in charge of
presentations (Ubuntu in general). *Volunteers ? *Please add your names
in the wiki.
e. 27/09 Dipro Fair Hasselt
It has been proposed to the club BitMappers (Hasselt) to contribute to
the promotion of Ubuntu in their booth with 2-3 volunteers, hardware and
promotion material. No reaction yet.
In answer to a request of the Bitmappers, posters have been sent for an
event in Hasselt on 5-6/09.
2. Promotion material
New posters and flyers have been ordered and will be delivered on 04/09
in Ostend, just in time for Dipro Ghent. A mail about selling posters
will be posted.
3. Things living in the mailing list
a. Participation to IRC meetings - how can we have more people
mimor's suggestion : writing a simple how-to to reach the IRC meeting
and describing several possibilities.(in the wiki, page about IRC
meeting). The webchat on the site doesn't work, it has to be replaced
(see ad-hoc bug report).
b. Need a forum for ubuntu-be?
A forum would be nice for those who're not familiar with IRC or the
mailing list.
Adding a forum means more work for those who are active, so we need to
be sure that that cost has enough benefits.
During the meeting there was not enough argumentation about the need of
a forum, the topic will be put on the agenda of the next meeting, hoping
more arguments.
c. Organization of the Belgian LoCo Team ?
A proposal for comment is available in the wiki at
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/TeamOrganization :
There is a very limited interest for this topic. As priority is given to
the organization of events, the topic is delayed. Comments can be added
in the wiki.
d. Statute non-profit organization/VZW/ASBL ?
A VZW doesn't solve the structure problems and will create even more
problems at the moment.
It seems there are 2 steps for Ubuntu-be better working : a better
organization, and a formalization via a vzw (eventually). As long as
there is no agreement on a structure and organization, it is useful to
debate about changing the statute of the association.
It is suggested to debate on this topic during the upcoming events, and
later, after proposals of a thinking group, organize a IRL meeting.
4. Next IRC meeting on 09/09/2009 at 21 h.
/Ubuntu Belgium Events Team/
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