[Ubuntu-be] IRC meeting on 27/05/2009 - report
jean7491 at free.fr
Thu May 28 20:54:46 BST 2009
Here the report of the last IRC meeting.
Next IRC meeting on Wednesday 03/06/2009 at 21 h. on #ubuntu-be --
Present at the IRC meeting 28/05/2009 (in random order) : JanC,
Wamukota, pvandewyngaerde, jean7491, d1ogenes, Gh0sty, Jurgentje,
hfsdo, siegie, Carroarmato00
1. Follow up Dipro Fair in Antwerpen (24/05)
Report + pictures have been posted in the wiki
It was a success event with a lot of visitors and contacts, despite bad
place for the booth and last minute problem with volunteers - the booth
was run by 2 from Ostende and 1 from Antwerpen). Special thanks to
Matthew and Willem ! Most of the questions were about cohabitation
ubuntu-windows and installation process.
A few lessons learned for the next Dipro fairs :
a. fairs are a easy way to promote ubuntu: ubuntu-be can be more
visible for the public with banner, posters, tux and a nice booth, and
we have the opportunity to address a large public. Conclusion :
ubuntu-be should be present everywhere (where it is possible !). An
evaluation of the immediate result of our effort is not possible, but
we contribute actively to spread Ubuntu in the Belgian landscape.
b. we need at least 3 tables in front, enough depth to install screen
and posters, and a location close to the entrance (if possible). Of
course it is in function of the available surface of the fair, as we had
paid for 4m booth !
c. for big fairs like Ghent and Antwerpen, we need 6 volunteers (at
least for the planning), and can do it with less if last minute problem
occurs. For other fairs, 4 volunteers can do the work.
Next fair in Antwerpen is in another location, Antwerp Expo, with likely
a bigger surface.
2. Other events - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/FutureEvents
22/08/2009 : InterLug barbecue organized by the LUG lilit.be, likely in
( http://lilit.be/wiki/index.php?page=BbqInterLug2009 ), details are not
yet known.
The program of Dipro fairs from september to december 2009 is posted in
the wiki
Ubuntu-be booth can easily be organized in Ghent, Ostende and Kortrijk,
a booth in Antwerpen is also possible if additional volunteers show up.
For Charleroi, Genk, Hasselt and Mechelen, we need volunteers and
someone who locally takes the lead for the organisation, eventually in
cooperation with events-team and other groups (see topic 3).
About the organization of activities, the ubuntu-be events-team
https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-be-events is composed of 3 persons from
Western Flanders, but it should be completed with members from the
others provinces/regions. (After the meeting + 1 W. Flanders and 2 from
Eastern Flanders)
In the next 3 months we should develop the events-team to become a
leading group in Ubuntu-be activities.
We need 2 kind of volunteers :
1. in each province/region, 2-3 people willing to take initiatives to
start organizing activities: they should be included in the events-team,
2. locally people who can spend some time to explain ubuntu and help in
Volunteers should be willing to help on occasions during a few hours,
but are not expected to be on on every fair.
Preparation of the next Dipro fairs will start mid-august.
To help starting the organization of the fairs, the wiki has been
completed with a kind of check-list : see example
https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/ComputerFairs/Ghent_2009-09-06 .
3. Contact with other linux users groups and computer clubs
The idea is that with better contacts with other groups, we could
improve actively our actions and promotion. For example we could
cooperate to organize common booth in some occasions or exchange
information about events on both sides.
Wamukota is mentor of the Linux mailgroup in Seniorennet, all w.r.t 50+
people can go through him. Ubuntu-be events and activities will be
mentioned in this mailgroup and Wamukota will report back about the
interest of this group at Seniorennet.
Jurgentje is member of the HCC Mechelen and can contribute to liaise
with as "communication channel".
Suggestions :
- we could do a mailing to computerclubs if they would be interested to
get a ubuntu info session and demo,
- reactivation of contact with Cedric Janssens and Interlug mailing list,
- cooperate with local lugs and computer-clubs in Charleroi, Genk,
Hasselt and Mechelen to organize booths in Dipro fairs,
- ask in the mailing list who has contact with lugs and computer clubs
and is ready to interface/liaison for contacts? with as aim to establish
a list of points of contact with other lugs and computer clubs.
4. Review of promotion material
A banner Ubuntu-be LoCo team, Ubuntu presentation, homemade flyers,
poster " free your pc" (all in dutch and french) are available in the
wiki https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/ComputerFairs in paragraph
"print documents and presentations"
We still need a kind of support for +/- 4 posters, easy to transport in
a car (elements < 1,5 m.), to mount at the booth, stable, and that looks
nice. If someone has a project and can do it, please mail me (jean7491).
5. Facebook
d1ogenes created a facebook group for ubuntu-be, with a tagline in english,
in addition to the existing identi.ca: !ubuntube, Twitter: Ubuntu-be
Twibe, and Orkut group http://www.orkut.com/Main#Community.aspx?cmm=90125388
6. Next IRC meeting
The next IRC meeting is on 03/06/2009 at 21 h.
Remark : day and hour of the meeting can be adapted for a larger
If you think to know a better meeting time, please propose it !
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