[Ubuntu-be] IRC meeting on 13/05/2009 - Report

Mike Morraye mike at morraye.be
Sat May 16 00:06:15 BST 2009

This is what I had in mind:

We can have a web-hack-day to blow some live into the website.
The functionality and usefulness of the website are the base of it's
success. (and it's still too separated from the wiki-pages, if you ask

Then we can extend it by "virtual workshops".
So we'll have something as LoCo website-beats... or however you want to
call them.
Just some time where there's some more attention on the

We can organize them on the #ubuntu-be channel and back them up trough
the mailinglist

The hardest part is to get it dynamic. (some content can aromatically be
integrated from the wiki pages)
>From that point on, there will be less (translation)work.
At this point, everything should be written and translated twice.
And some (new) people like the website layout more than the wiki pages.

It's a hard nut to crack, but it's worth it...

Let me know your opinion.
If there are some people willing to do this, then we can start looking
for a place to do so ;)
(I found out this is quite something hard)

Kind regards,


On Fri, 2009-05-15 at 17:03 +0200, Pierre Buyle wrote:
> On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 10:01 PM, jean7491 <jean7491 at free.fr> wrote:
> > Suggestions
> > - to organize something as a ubuntu-be-website-hack-weekend
> > - to arrange a meeting so we can inform the interested people to join
> > that meeting (but waiting mongolito404 is back)
> Hi, I'm back but I've been quite busy since I returned from holidays.
> I really like the idea of organizing a website hack weekend (or even a
> single day). Although we need more writing (in Dutch, English, French
> and German) than hacking. If you look at the bugs list
> (https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-belgium/+bugs), most of them are
> Incomplete because we need a German translation for some strings.
> I'll try to be at the next IRC meeting but I don't know yet if I will
> have a working Internet connection (I'm moving this week-end).
> -- 
> mongolito404, king of the mongolian people

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