[Ubuntu-be] Promotion material (dutch and french) (jean7491)
Pierre Buyle
mongolito404+ubuntu-be at gmail.com
Fri May 15 13:47:03 BST 2009
Thank you for your proposition, here are my comments: The "Loco" text
is barely readable, the font is hard to read even when not rotated. I
don"t understand whats the man (?) in the middle stands for. The red
and yelow color are too bright and looks "plain". The whole logo
doesn't scale, at 64px or 32px the text will be unreadable and the man
un-recognizable. This it cannot be used as icon.
Btw , I did an "Ubuntu-be" logo for the Launchpad page, see
https://launchpadlibrarian.net/24372623/ubuntu-be.mugshot.png. It's
the "plain" Ubuntu circle of friend using the Belgian color (from the
Tango[1] palette). I used this logo as base for the ubuntu-be web
editors and event team (also on Launchpad, see
https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-be-webeditor and
https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-be-events). For these I simply added a
standard Tango icon in the middle of the circle. They are all in SVG
format on my HD.
[1] http://tango.freedesktop.org/
On Fri, May 15, 2009 at 10:53 AM, Patsy D. - AKWABATIC
<patsyd at akwabatic.be> wrote:
> Voici une proposition de logo. It's just a try and it may be reworked upon
> your remarks and comments. Best Regards.
> Ludo Beckers a écrit :
> Op de poster: "Ubuntu is vrij" is wat eigenaardig.
> "Ubuntu is kostenloos" misschien?
> Verder heb ik vluchtig de presentatie doorgelezen; daar staan ook wat
> vreemde constructies in en aardig wat tekst die voor verbetering vatbaar is.
> Als u mij een gewone tekst stuurt zonder de speciale opmaak, wil ik een van
> de dagen wel iets terugsturen met voorstellen.
> Ik ben niet thuis in powerpoint presentaties e.d., en zou dus alles moeten
> knippen/plakken; werkt dus iets sneller met normale tekst :-)
> On Thu, May 14, 2009 at 1:00 PM, <ubuntu-be-request at lists.ubuntu.com>
> wrote:
>> Send ubuntu-be mailing list submissions to
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>> Today's Topics:
>> 1. Promotion material (dutch and french) (jean7491)
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Message: 1
>> Date: Wed, 13 May 2009 21:01:01 +0200
>> From: jean7491 <jean7491 at free.fr>
>> Subject: [Ubuntu-be] Promotion material (dutch and french)
>> To: Ubuntu Belgium <ubuntu-be at lists.ubuntu.com>
>> Message-ID: <4A0B18ED.8070007 at free.fr>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
>> Hi to all,
>> Since januari 2009 i am updating the promotion material used by
>> Ubuntu-be (presentation, flyers, poster, in Dutch and French) :
>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/ComputerFairs#Print%20Documents%20&%20Presentation
>> But nobody is perfect !
>> Feel free to mail your comment to improve these products !
>> ****
>> Sinds januari 2009 ben ik bezig met het aanpassen en verbeteren van de
>> promotie materiaal van Ubuntu-be (slideshow, strooibriefjes en poster).
>> Zeker kan het nog beter, als jullie opmerkingen hebben voor verbetering,
>> laaat het mij dan weten !
>> ****
>> Depuis janvier 2009 je me suis lanc? dans la mise ? jour et
>> l'am?lioration du mat?riel de promotion d'Ubuntu-be (pr?sentation,
>> tracts et affiche) ? .
>> Mais personne n'est parfait et j'attends vos commentaires pour am?liorer
>> ces r?alisations.
>> Jean
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>> End of ubuntu-be Digest, Vol 39, Issue 13
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mongolito404, king of the mongolian people
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