[Ubuntu-be] Ubuntu-be LoCoTeam CD pack arrived
Jan Claeys
ubuntu at janc.be
Fri May 1 02:11:32 BST 2009
Hey all,
The Ubuntu-be LoCoTeam CD pack arrived yesterday.
I will go to the release party in Brussels @ IndyMedia and take some of
these CDs with me.
So, if anybody else needs some of the CDs (e.g. for an event in
Wallonia, Brussels, or elsewhere on the other side of the country (as
seen from Bruges)) it would be nice if you could tell me before Sunday
and either pick them up--or let somebody else do that and take care
about further transport later. (Also ask if you can use some CDs but
don't know how to arrange transport yet, maybe we can arrange temporary
storage somewhere in Brussels.)
Jan Claeys
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