[Ubuntu-be] Ideas for Ubuntu-promotion
Jurgen Gaeremyn
jurgen.gaeremyn at pandora.be
Sun Mar 15 15:24:21 GMT 2009
Hallo Koen,
(if you don't speak Dutch, just skip the first paragraph) ;)
je gaat er blijkbaar vanuit dat elke Vlaming vlot Frans leest... en elke
Waal even vlot Nederlands leest. (en dan spreek ik nog niet over de
Duitstalige gemeenschap die misschien ook in onze mailing list aanwezig
is). Het mag je dan wel (om 't in je mooi Engels te zeggen) "pissed"
maken... ik doe 't toch.
Hello all,
I think Koen as a few good points here: voluntarism needs to be
accessible at different levels. Not everybody has the same time at hand.
I had this small idea that popped up last... might enlighten the burden
of a Ubuntu stand at the Dipro fairs: how about when we try to partner
up with a local computer shop/company? They can sell computer systems,
we'll give some support on how to install the software. ;)
It could be a win-win situation: Ubuntu wins (because people want to try
it) and the vendor wins (because he sells computers)
Together we can populate the stand, which gives a little more freedom to
cruise off a little time - we can have a bigger stand together - we can
showcare more hardware - these companies get associated with Ubuntu,
resulting in "Ubuntu points" spread over the country.
If these shops buy in support at Ubuntu, they can even offer their
customers the option: buy MS Windows OEM (€ 200?) and/or MS Office (€
300?) - Choose for Ubuntu (free) and/or Openoffice.org (free) - extra
support when purchasing a new computer could be bought (for let's say
€50 or €100).
Especially when there are not many sales points for Ubuntu yet, people
wanting Ubuntu will seek them (niche) ... and in the good case that
Ubuntu actually breaks through and reaches a certain critical mass, they
will already have the competitive advantage of expertise.
Obviously this would require partnering up. People would have to knock
at the doors of local shops and ask if they're interested. (Maybe one
could knock at the door of www.linux-service.be to team up in Brugge
and/or Gent? ... I placed them in cc with this mail)
Koen Wybo wrote:
> Verander de wereld, begin met jezelf!
> * Hoeveel tijd kun je vrijmaken voor ubuntu? Maak een realistische
> inschatting rekening houdend met je privéleven. Hierbij vraag ik me af:
> in welke mate kunnen we de organisatie zo opzetten dat ook samenwonende
> - getrouwde individuen dit kunnen integreren in hun leven. Zo is het
> voor mij onmogelijk om ooit een beurs mee te maken: mijn gezinsleven
> bruist in het weekend ;-)
> * Over welke kwaliteiten beschik je? Is er een databank hiervoor?
> * Zijn er grenzen aan het vrijwilligerswerk? Wat doe je met mensen die
> je inviteren om bij hen thuis een server te gaan installeren? Kunnen we
> dit ergens in een charter gieten? Welke waarden spelen hierbij?
> Bij jezelf en een beetje verder...
> * Hoe bouwen we een eco-systeem uit waarbij vrijwilligers en
> professionals beiden tot hun recht komen en er -eindelijk- eens aan de
> buitenwereld kan getoond worden waarvoor ubuntu staat?
> Koen Wybo
> * Stop met in het Engels te communiceren. Jullie zijn de enige groep in
> de wereld die dit doen en het 'pisses' mensen.
> Op zondag 15-03-2009 om 13:58 uur [tijdzone +0100], schreef guy
> duportail:
>> Some ideas:
>> -organize a national Ubuntu-day on or around the release of Windows 7(profit
>> the media attention for operating systems)
>> -start an ubuntu-be help forum and news pages.(because the dutch forum is
>> becoming a fight-arena)
>> gd
>> Op zaterdag 14 maart 2009 23:03, schreef Jan Claeys:
>>> Hello all,
>>> It seems like Ubuntu-be has fallen asleep a bit...
>>> I would like to see a bit more activity on this list and inside
>>> ubuntu-be as a community in general:
>>> * More reporting on what happens locally (also things that happen
>>> inside LUGs etc.). (BTW: this also includes announcing things
>>> beforehand on this list, which doesn't always happen now!),
>>> * More cooperation & coordination,
>>> * More exchange of ideas,
>>> * Possible activation of people on the "map" (who has access to
>>> that database?) for other tasks, e.g. release parties & fair
>>> booths,
>>> * More life on the website (news items, etc.),
>>> * ...
>>> I propose we start having regular IRC meetings to discuss & exchange
>>> ideas. My proposal would be to have meetings every 2 weeks, but I would
>>> like your input on when would be the best time for these?
>>> What do you all think?
>>> (Please send all your ideas, even if you're not sure they are weird or
>>> possible ;-) )
>>> --
>>> Jan Claeys
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