[Ubuntu-be] IRC meeting on 10/06/2009 - Report

jean7491 jean7491 at free.fr
Thu Jun 11 20:56:34 BST 2009

Here the report of the last IRC meeting.
Next IRC meeting on Wednesday 17/06/2009 at 21 h. on #ubuntu-be --

IRC meeting report
Present at the IRC meeting 10/06/2009 (in random order): Gh0sty,
Wamukota, JanC, jean7491, mimor, JackJill/materne, Indra6oc, Julius

1. IRC meeting as communication channel of the Be LoCo Team
Regular IRC meetings are a way to exchange information and views about
subjects related to Ubuntu-be, but only a small group is taking part or
following the meetings. For who is not present at the meeting, we
publish in the mailing list a report, as in the wiki with the log. We
can assume that everyone has the possibility to read the report in the
mailing list or in the wiki.
There is very limited reaction to the meeting reports; do we need to
change the frequency or the topics of the meetings?
Certainly in july and august, 1 meeting every 2 weeks will be enough. We
can consider meetings “on call” for  specific topics.
Wamukota proposes Ubuntu LoCo Team Forums to communicate in a off-line
way, discuss the results in the weekly chat and by using the forum, we
can have more info available during the time of a week. Wamukota and
JanC will mod the forum, only Belgian Loco stuff of course, and pass all
interesting data from and to the mailing list. More details later in the
mailing list.

2. Relation with other LUG's and computer clubs
It was proposed to Julius (SambreLUG) to exchange information, and
perhaps cooperate, for example on Dipro fair in Charleroi on 11/10.
Additionally there's a new LUG in Charleroi. Starting in september, we
will contact the Ubuntu support points from Charleroi area to find
volunteers for the booth.
Gh0sty: Zeus - ugov is present, I forward meetings and stuff from and to
our mailinglist: it's for them to decide if they are interested

3. Other events
Program of Dipro fairs is in 
Due to the coming holidays, volunteers for the 2 first fairs (Ghent and
Antwerp) should add their names (TBC ) in the wiki before end of june
(TBC=To Be Confirmed).
Next event on 19/09: Software Freedom Day, if volunteers appear willing
to do something, OK, but likely no big event for Ubuntu-be. In Ghent,
there could be an activity as last years (Thinkwize).
Release Party Karmic Koala in Ghent on 21/11. mimor is working on the
topic and looking for several possible locations. News later in the
mailing list.

About the missions of the Ubuntu-be Events Team
(https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-be-events) described in the last meeting
report, as there was no remark, the proposal is accepted.
The Events Team and its missions will be added in the wiki
BelgianTeam/Responsibility (who is who).

4. Promotion material
JanC: nothing new about a support for posters.
Banner: proposal to paint an ubuntu banner on textile by indra - at home
in stekene, we are still looking for volunteers to help! (Date likely
end of june?)
About promotion material, we should make an exhaustive inventory of the
available material.
Old posters (2008) in dutch "De weg naar de vrijheid is open voor
iedereen": +/- 1500 ex. in Leuven (François Cauwe)
Old flyers (2007): a few hundred in Leuven (Mark Van den Borre).

For the coming computers fairs and activities, we need new posters and
New posters: proposal Free your PC (in the wiki 
+/- 140 euro for 250 ex., 160 euro for 500 ex., A2, quadricolor,
135gr/m2, satiné,
New flyers: 4 proposals have been posted in the mailing list. Please
comment these for improvement. Flyers with more colors ± 80euro for 5000
ex. A6, 250gr/m2 paper.

Indra6oc requests  "powered by Ubuntu" stickers, as he is installing
Ubuntu on PC's and converting people to Ubuntu.

5. Next IRC meeting on 17/06/2009 at 21 h.
/Ubuntu Belgium Events Team/

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