[Ubuntu-be] Agenda on the website

jean7491 jean7491 at free.fr
Tue Jul 28 22:44:08 BST 2009


Thanks Pierre!
Having tested the agenda and the addition of events, it works.
The procedure (after registration as ubuntu-be member in launchpad) is
to use the menu (left side) Create content - Event.
Events in July, August and September have been added in the agenda.

/Ubuntu Belgium Events Team/

Pierre Buyle a écrit :
> A last... an agenda is available on the website.
> Any registered Ubuntu-be member (in Launchpad) can add, edit and
> delete its own events, any member of the Events team should be able
> edit and delete any event.
> I'll no be available for the rest of the WE but don't hesitate to test
> it and to provide feedbacks.
> The agenda is at http://ubuntu-be.org/calendar and authenticated user
> can create events at http://ubuntu-be.org/fr/node/add/event

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