[Ubuntu-be] Ubuntu support points map - a little test - ICTdag.be

Jan Claeys ubuntu at janc.be
Tue Jul 28 01:25:10 BST 2009

Op zondag 26-07-2009 om 14:07 uur [tijdzone +0200], schreef ivan flo:
> En mag geen enkel document afkeveren dat door Open-Office is
> klaargestoomd.
> Zelfs al is het geconverteerd naar Word.

They can't do that legally, unless maybe if it's stated explicitly in
the papers you sign at the beginning of the school year (and I'm pretty
sure even then it can be overruled).

But maybe we need to get some "note" from "higher up" (ministry of
education / "guimardstraat") to condemn this?

> Ja, open office kan dat wel doen, in word schrijven, en dan verlies je
> de opmaak ervan, en dan is de leerkracht terug niet gelukkig ...

Most of the time you won't see any layout issues (actually, less than
between different MS Office versions).

Jan Claeys

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