[Ubuntu-be] Forum for Ubuntu-be discussion?

Jurgen Gaeremyn jurgen.gaeremyn at pandora.be
Sun Jul 12 13:08:01 BST 2009


there is a more formal (and decision making) organ for Ubuntu-be : the 
IRC meetings on Wednesday evening.
Prior to every meeting, an "agenda" is sent to this group.
After every meeting, a report is sent to the whole group.
This was a great improvement that happened a few months ago.

If you can't make it to the meeting, you'll miss out on the decision 
making (as I do too, most of the time).

I'm not in favor of a forum: we already have (too) many channels to 
communicate online: we have a mailing list for asynchronous (slower) 
discussions - we have IRC for synchronous (live) discussions.

It's not about adding more media, it's about optimizing them.


Ludo Beckers wrote:
> quote:
> Voorstel: in plaats van een dergelijke discussie over een malinglist 
> te laten lopen, ben ik best bereid om een (gesloten) forum op te 
> zetten om alles per onderwerp te plaatsen, ...
> Ik ben absolute voorstander van dit idee.
> Ludo

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