[Ubuntu-be] New posters and flyers - how many do we need ? best printing-site?

Jan Claeys ubuntu at janc.be
Sun Jul 5 15:54:37 BST 2009

Op zaterdag 27-06-2009 om 07:50 uur [tijdzone +0200], schreef Jurgen
> First of all: what's the lifespan we want to give these posters and 
> flyers? Will we use them for 15 years? Or do we want to change with 
> every new release (just calling the 2 extremes here, neither one are 
> suggestions)

I would say: 2 years max. for the posters, 1 year for the flyers?

> Third question: (Now that I'm thinking this through) is a flyer the best 
> promotional material to give? How about CD-sleeves (just simple paper 
> ones) with the same info printed on them... obviously, as it envolves 
> folding and glueing it would be much more expensive...

No need for glueing, use origami CD-sleeves:
http://www.tgries.de/origami/  ;)

> As a very passive (but maybe too big mouthed) Ubuntu-be participant, I 
> don't have the info needed to make a realistic estimate.
> For the Software Freedom Day, HCC Belgium will be organizing a happening 
> around Brussels.

Do you have more info on that?

Jan Claeys

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