[Ubuntu-be] DIPRO events - manning

Bert Van de Poel bert at bhack.net
Tue Jan 27 17:40:25 GMT 2009

Well, I will probably be there with the C&T computer club, I'll be 
demo-ing linux software in general and ubuntu specifically but a booth 
with CDs would come in useful ;)

Jan Claeys schreef:
> Op dinsdag 27-01-2009 om 17:35 uur [tijdzone +0100], schreef JM Huberts:
>> I suppose we (ubuntu-be) can be present everywhere (like DIPRO events)
>> if they are volunteers to form a team, with coordination through this 
>> mailing-list.
> Exactly.
> It might be too late for Antwerp though, unless someone organized a
> booth without telling the list...  (See also my other mail.)

Bert Van de Poel
webdeveloper and administrator
bhack.net and isi-print.be

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