[Ubuntu-be] 10+ official Ubuntu CD-ROMs available for demo to municipal IT admins

Andy Airey airey.andy at gmail.com
Tue Jan 6 21:40:45 GMT 2009


Al aanbiedingen binnen? Heb iemand van Ubulux team die 11 8.04 cd's heeft
liggen ...


Andy Airey
Zemst steunpunt

2009/1/5 Floris Lambrechts <florisla at gmail.com>

> Hi all,
> I received a request trough the support map from a guy who is giving a
> demo to municipal IT administrators in a few weeks.
> This is of course a very worthy cause...
> He would like to have some (10 or more) official Ubuntu CD-ROMs to
> hand out to interested ppl in the audience.
> I guess these should be x86 8.10 or 8.4 LTS CD-ROMs.
> At the moment I don't have any official CD-ROMs available, and I'm not
> up-to-date on the current situation about ordering or sharing CD-ROMs.
> What is the best way to get hold of these CDs?
> Does anyone have this amount of CDs that they can share?
> Thanks in advance
> Floris,
> Mechelen steunpunt
> --
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