[Ubuntu-be] help: map.ubuntu-be.org/fr ?
yellow.penguin at edpnet.be
Sun Feb 1 11:37:07 GMT 2009
On Fri, Jan 30, 2009 at 10:53:39PM +0100, Philip Reiser wrote:
> Hello Y P,
> I just tried the site and had no problems so I'm not sure what
> difficulties you're having. Can you use google maps on your platform?
No, I used Lynx under console.
(I'm not using Orca+Firefox every day unfortunately)
> (the site appears to be based on google maps).
Well it also doesn't give any page number, I just discovered it yet when
re-re-trying again;
this is the result that I obtain after the next steps:
1) lynx http://map.ubuntu-be.org/fr
2) Liège
3) (*) une aide gratuite pour ma première installation
4) show
<lynx screenshot>
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</lynx screenshot>
What now ?
For info: he lives in Oupeye, its right taht its near Herstal;
if its real that there are about 3 support points I'd like to be able to
read it if possible.
Sorry for this "bad" feedback, but without any feedbakc people won't know
that there was a problem for some cathegories of browsers.
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