[Ubuntu-be] Hi to all

Jurgen Gaeremyn jurgen.gaeremyn at pandora.be
Tue Sep 23 11:46:07 BST 2008


looking in the archives, I've figured out that English is the spoken
language here.
(pretty ironic in our already tri-lingual country, but aren't we all
inhabitants of Ubuntistan?)

I'm from Vilvoorde, age 34.
I live here together with my wife Goedele.

I'm not professional into computers.
Just enjoying my Kubuntu old-timer (hoping to upgrade end of the year)
I spend (or "waste" at other moments) most of my left-over time on
some websites I'm running for the local sports club and managing a
mailinglist/website for some church stuff.
For this, I'm trying to learn some PHP (and Joomla API) to program
some basic things.

Websites is mainly Joomla for me, so the switch to Drupal isn't all
that big actually.
I've volunteered to help on the website (I'm home sick for the moment
- so I've got a little more time) to do some translations.

We'll be around (at least virtually).

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