[Ubuntu-be] Slowness for the nieuw website

Glenn South fc243265 at skynet.be
Fri Sep 19 12:47:46 BST 2008


" What time was it when you've encounter slowness for this site? "

Well, best guesté is at 0400, and a well deserved hangover from a major
Union labor dispute wit mijn vrouw's company that Ubuntu handed well
throughuit the dag and early nacht in emails. Being a teckniekcian from
ouder days, Ik assumes the server was doing a normal scheduled DAT
backup, which from mijn dagans was set to or between 0300 to 0400
dependant on the Corporation specifications jou worked for and
productivity time Uur's. That is mijn besté guess.

Glenn aan Ligaya

GSM 0499/ 124 631
" There are two things in the Universe I am sure of, Infinity and Man's
Stupidity, though I am not quite sure of the second one! "
Albert Einstein - 1956

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