[Ubuntu-be] Antwerp fair booth report
matthew at ds-extreme.nl
Fri Nov 21 19:17:28 GMT 2008
In Bredene, we gave away about 100 to 120 cd's. We weren't able to handle the crowd in the beginning, we were writing three at a time.
A lot of people actually tried to talk to us and were interested, tried it out on the pc's, so I'm glad we gained some recognition these past years.
-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
Van: ubuntu-be-bounces op lists.ubuntu.com [mailto:ubuntu-be-bounces op lists.ubuntu.com] Namens Roel Huybrechts
Verzonden: vrijdag 21 november 2008 12:12
Aan: Ubuntu Belgium
Onderwerp: Re: [Ubuntu-be] Antwerp fair booth report
Op maandag 10-11-2008 om 20:02 uur [tijdzone +0100], schreef Mark Van den Borre:
> Hi all,
> I know from personal conversations with people who manned booths that
> we were present in Bredene and Antwerp.
> Could you people please send a short note on how things went, and
> maybe fill out some information on the wiki?
> Mark
> --
> Mark Van den Borre
> Noormannenstraat 113
> 3000 Leuven, België
> +32 486 961726
We were with three Ubuntero's at the Antwerp fair (Thijs, Pieter and
myself), and we had some help of Bert from computerclub C&T too :)
On the hardware side, we had three laptops, one looping the Ubuntu
presentation, one constantly burning cd's and another one running the
Ubuntu live cd. We also had a desktop pc with a nice 20" flat display
with a demo installation for people to get their hands on; thanks
Thijs :)
Our booth was decorated with table cloth and two "De weg naar vrijheid
is open voor iedereen" posters.
We had a lot of interested visitors, and handed out +/- 50 discs. The
first 25 of them had a selfmade paper case with some information how to
use the disc and where to get help on the web (I'll add pdf and xcf
files to the wiki this weekend).
We tested out the new 'Create USB startup disk' functionality in
Intrepid together with two people who bought a 16GB USB stick on the
fair. It didn't went all that well though.. the stick worked but only
had 4 GB available instead of the full 16. I'm following up on this, it
might be bug 284085 (https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/284085).
All in all, I think it was a successful event. Most people already knew
about the existence of Ubuntu, which is a significant improvement
compared to my first fair 1.5 years ago. I believe this is due to the
globally increasing popularity of Ubuntu, but also to our appearance on
the Dipro fairs here in Belgium.
Op donderdag 20-11-2008 om 21:32 uur [tijdzone +0100], schreef
> Sideshow for promotion of Ubuntu was that of Roel Huybrechts, available
> for Ubuntu.be, but ...
> Not attractive to visitors: too many naked texts, no pictures, no
> multimedia effects.
> It must remain in simple language. Non-expert public (computing and
> Linux) is the target.
> It must attract the attention of the visitors/passers.
Personally I think people do not want too many flashy effects, the key
should be information, that's what people want. Off course you can add
nice OpenGL slide transitions, I did not add them to the uploaded
presentation because the effects are not installed by default in Ubuntu.
I do hope my language was simple enough for most visitors, that was the
goal at least. And there are pictures of the most important applications
for sure.
But please, improve it! :)
Best regards,
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