[Ubuntu-be] [OT] Huur een student

Bram Biesbrouck b at beligum.org
Mon Nov 17 16:57:35 GMT 2008

> Hey,
> This seems like a great initiative.
> I've just started a course in marketing and for our groupworks and thesis
> it would have been great if there was a platform where we could get in
> touch with some companies and find great topics to work on. Both parties
> would benefit.
> I see that you limit yourself to "studentenjobs". Maybe you could broaden
> this to study topics and cooperations? This way, the site would feel less
> like "yet another job site".
> Just my 5 cents. ;-)

Hey Lieze,

Thanks for your reaction. You're probably right. I'm planning to bring 
companies into the loop too, but haven't decided in what form yet. On one 
hand, it would be cool to have a list of jobs/topics/opportunities so that 
the students can actively search for a match too. On the other hand, I kind 
of like the idea of "subscribe and relax": you just enter your details and 
wait for someone to contact you. Like it or not, but students are quite lazy, 
and maybe it's better to expect companies to be more actively involved in the 
employee-searching process than students in the employer-searching process.

I might be wrong, I don't know. Time will tell I guess, but I like the idea of 
creating an offer of several topics where you can proactively get involved in 
a professional environment, linked to your thesis or assignment.

More ideas are always welcome. ;-)

> On Mon, Nov 17, 2008 at 2:48 PM, Bram Biesbrouck <b at beligum.org> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > I just started a new initiative to work together with students on various
> > projects, some of them in the OS (planning a throughstart of
> > captorials.com)
> > world:
> > http://www.huureenstudent.be
> >
> > The original idea behind it was that I don't really have the time anymore
> > to
> > continue my previous open-source initiatives, but I didn't want to
> > abandon the projects at once. So I started this website to get in touch
> > with some students who have the skills to continue working on them.
> > Several customers of my company told me this was an interesting
> > initiative, because it would enable them to get in touch with skilled
> > students while bypassing the often expensive interim offices. This made
> > me think: why not see things a little bigger and create a platform where
> > everybody can get in touch with students that study someting related to
> > the business you're in. It would enable me to
> > find some students for my own cause, and in the meantime, help others out
> > too. Maybe, if things would get big enough, I could start up some
> > projects with funds coming from website-revenues.
> >
> > So, it's all still a bit fresh now, but the initial reactions I get from
> > my fellow business-partners indicate this is interesting enough to send
> > out to some other people in the business. My apologies for the dutch
> > language of the
> > website; it's still in beta-phase until February, where I will decide if
> > the
> > project is viable or not, but I assume it will be, regarding the
> > reactions on
> > it. If all is well in February, I'll get it translated, and market it for
> > the
> > entire country.
> >
> > So if you plan to start up an OS-project yourself, or you're just in need
> > of
> > some cheap but skilled temporary employees, have a look; some 100
> > students enlisted themself up until now, some of them seem to be very
> > interesting computer-minded people.
> >
> > Please send this through to your friends or colleagues if you think it
> > might
> > interest them too.
> >
> > If you find this mail offensive due to the OT content, my apologies.
> >
> > bram
> >
> > --
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