[Ubuntu-be] Presentation for Ubuntu release parties and showbooths

Mattias Campe Mattias.Campe at gmail.com
Thu Nov 13 20:38:35 GMT 2008

.: liezie :. schreef:
> About the music. You should use something that is licensed by a 
> creative commons license. 
> You can find lots of music at magnatune.com <http://magnatune.com> and 
> similar sites.
I personally like the OpenMusic CD and it has some calm songs (even 
instrumental): see http://openmusic.linuxtag.org
> In my experience, the music should be secondary to the information you 
> are giving. So don't take something that is very loud and pushy 
> because it will take away the attention from the information you are 
> presenting or it will annoy the people who are trying to focus in the 
> information. 
> Good luck..
> On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 8:36 PM, Matthew <matthew at ds-extreme.nl 
> <mailto:matthew at ds-extreme.nl>> wrote:
>     Hey
>     That's a great idea! We really need something like that. If it's
>     ready, you can send it to me for a proofreading because languages
>     (Dutch!) is my domain.
>     About the background music… take a catchy tune. Something people
>     will stay to listen to it. Can't think for an example.
>     Matthew
>     *Van:* ubuntu-be-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com
>     <mailto:ubuntu-be-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com>
>     [mailto:ubuntu-be-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com
>     <mailto:ubuntu-be-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com>] *Namens *Pierre Buyle
>     *Verzonden:* dinsdag 11 november 2008 20:28
>     *Aan:* Ubuntu Belgium
>     *Onderwerp:* Re: [Ubuntu-be] Presentation for Ubuntu release
>     parties and showbooths
>     Hi,
>     I will be happy to give you some feedback on your work. But I
>     won't be able to proofread it since my writing skills are pretty poor.
>     2008/11/7 jean7491 <jean7491 at free.fr <mailto:jean7491 at free.fr>>
>     Hi to all,
>     During Dipro event in Bredene on 2th Nov I realised the need for a
>     dynamic presentation of Ubuntu.
>     I have a limited experience with Ubuntu and Ubuntu.be.
>     Nevertheless I am currently working on a slideshow based on the
>     work of
>     Rafik Ouerchefani and Daniel Holbach : for the use by Ubuntu.be, with
>     more dynamic/animation, first in french and later in dutch.
>     With such a challenge I can't tell when it will be done !
>     First I need suggestions for a music-background during the slideshow :
>     what is the best appropriate ?
>     Later this month I will need some help to control my my product (in
>     french and later in dutch) : volunteers ?
>     ...
>     -- 
>     mongolito404, king of the mongolian people
>     --
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