[Ubuntu-be] Release Party Special Edition CD's

Sander Van der Maelen sander.vandermaelen at gmail.com
Fri May 2 19:10:20 BST 2008

I haven't exactly followed all the previous conversations, but I have a
little question: what's so special about this "release party edition"?

On Fri, May 2, 2008 at 7:33 PM, Bart Broeckx <bart op ubuntu.com> wrote:

> The 2.000 custom made cd's are at my place now. :) (1.000 will go to
> Amsterdam, 1.000 are for the Belgian Hardy Release Party.)
> http://users.telenet.be/stamboom.broeckx/buntucd.JPG
> You can get them at the Hardy Release Party in Herk-de-Stad. Do not forget
> to subscribe yourself for the party so we can give you one for free. If you
> would like to get more, you can pay what you want for it. If you think 5€
> for 2 cd's is good for you, fine. If you offer 2€ for 4 cd's that's fine
> too. The money we make this way will go to Ubuntu-be and the BitMappers
> computerclub.
> The Hardy Release Party in Herk-de-Stad is tomorrow . [image: tongue]
> www.releaseparty.be
> We hope to see you all in Herk-de-Stad
> Greetz,
> --
> Bart Broeckx
> Willekensmolenstraat 83/7
> 3500 Hasselt
> 0476/66.20.80
> --
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