[Ubuntu-be] One Day Drupal Sprint - We Need You
Pierre Buyle
mongolito404+ubuntu-be at gmail.com
Tue Jun 17 11:59:27 BST 2008
You know Drupal internals ? You are Drupal Guru ? You want to get rid
of the old & plain map.ubuntu-be.org website ?
You know Ubuntu ? You have writing skills ? You know how to
communicate information easily ? You want a website that provide real,
useful and updated content for belgian Ubuntu users ?
Join us for the a one day working session !
Visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BelgianTeam/2008/OneDayDrupalSprint for
more information
The date is yet to be determined but, at the moment, the best fits are
5/7, 6/7 and 19/7. As for the place, we have two propisitions in
Bruxelles but we are open to any others.
mongolito404, king of the mongolian people
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