[Ubuntu-be] Opbrengst van de Hardy Release Party voor Ubuntu-be.org

Stani spe.stani.be at gmail.com
Sun Jun 1 19:23:46 BST 2008

Ha Bart,
Would it also not better if I donate the source video tapes of the
lectures also to ubuntu-be.org? So it is more centralized and
otherwise they might risk to disappear ;-)
Best regards,

On Sun, Jun 1, 2008 at 2:43 PM, Bart Broeckx <bart op ubuntu.com> wrote:
> Op naam van : BROECKX BART
> Voor een bedrag van : 660,00  EUR
> Naar rekeningnummer : 651-1398678-41
> Op naam van : UBUNTU-BE.ORG
> Uit te voeren op : -
> Ubuntero's,
> we, the people who helped us organise the HRP in Herk-de-Stad, would to
> thank all of you who could join us at the Hardy Release Party in
> Herk-de-Stad.
> We would also like to thank all the sponsors who made this event possible
> and we would like to thank everybody who gave a donation, bought stuff from
> the Ubuntushop and spent some money on drinks.
> After all the costs are paid we now have 660€ left that we would like to
> donate to Ubuntu-be.org.
> We know this money will be very useful to help Ubuntu-be for promotional
> activities, buy hardware, do some marketing, ... to promote the use of
> Ubuntu.
> Kind regards,
> --
> Bart Broeckx
> Willekensmolenstraat 83/7
> 3500 Hasselt
> 0476/66.20.80
> --
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