[Ubuntu-be] Fwd: Linux World presentation

Serge van Ginderachter serge at vanginderachter.be
Sat Jan 26 20:21:47 GMT 2008


----- "Jan Claeys" <ubuntu at janc.be> wrote:
> I consider it rude behaviour to make a web-site that doesn't work
> properly for many linux users and then pretend to be a "linux
> conference" (even if the intended public is business people).

I'm  not sure what your problem is with the site. Anyways, I'm aware that this is an image problem for a "linux conference", but it's a start and better than nothing. "linuxworldexpo.be" is only a very tiny, small piece of the bigger "infosecurity.be" fair.

AFAIK the community receives the opportunity to have a presence at this conference, without having to pay the kind of fee the 'normal' exhibitors need to pay. Plainly criticizing them would also be rude, I think.

> I know that's not your fault, but as you seem to be in contact with
> the organisation, 

Not directly. The person who is, Dag Wieers, is well know, in our community,

> can you please tell them to fix that before they try

and I'm sure he will handle this appropriately, and tell those people, if he thinks it's appropriate.

> again
> to get support from the community?

*We* should be thankful they give the community this opportunity, which is a first this year. 

That website is the same engine it has been for a couple of years, I don't think we can expect them to suddenly change that.

Thanks for your feedback.



Serge van Ginderachter          http://www.vanginderachter.be/ 

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